
Someone, very recently commented in my blog, that whatever you do you, do with passion and you will stay satisfied and dignified and all “ifieds”. Can you touch your heart at the end of the day and claim to be satisfied with what you did? How many of us can? How many of us will even think of this question. Isn’t it something to be escaped from? You just work, you don’t live then, you just exist and act or work like a puppet so that you can leave from work as soon as possible and get back to your family. Some others just sit in office in a trance. They have been numbed in their brains to respond the needs of the work, they dream of something but are sure they won’t reach there. They are not sure of their dreams, neither are they sure if they like the work they are doing. They sit on the fences waiting for that angel to come down and take them on wings to their aims and dreams. There of course is a miniscule minority which feels the work they do. This of course, as I said is a miniscule minority. I am sure, a fair percentage of them hold the top notch posts of an organization. Now isn’t that the feeling we have been hearing of since our childhood days. It was mom and dad who first told us to excel, then our teachers, then our colleges and finally now the workplace. Excellent is the buzzword. There are grades for kids to be “excellent”, there are grades in College to be “Excellent”, there are grades in work for the same “Excellent”. If we have 95000 junta, can we vouch for 10000 of “excellent” junta? Who calls them excellent, probably some metrics did so. Who created the metrics? Some “excellent” guy or team? So if I were to be adjudged “excellent”, what next? Well, we have to improve “continuously”, so improve “excellence”. So, excellence is a journey.
It’s a weird thought but quite a possibility. Just imagine to work like crazy for a good 2-3 years. You just dedicate to that elusive perfection and utopian aim of becoming the best professional, in the process make as much money as you can, at least to make you richer than your dad. Let’s just assume you did do it, the impossible made possible. You raked a great deal of money, you did climb the steps of hierarchy much to the envy of others, you made sure that no hurdle remained a hurdle be it your colleagues, be it your boss, be it your family, even your girlfriend. What next? You stand at the mount of achievement and stand there alone. Will you look down to the valley you left behind with remorse that you staked quite a lot in the process of reaching here or will you look ahead for the next available mount to conquer. I bet you won’t. Will you? No!!!! I bet you won’t. hasn’t this been a daunting climb, it’s your right to sit on the mount and maybe go a bit down to see if you could find someone from the past and hook up some lost relations. Maybe you find your old girlfriend, maybe you try to think of the passions you dreamed off and you had to shove it aside to pursue the job you were into. Maybe you decide to hang up your boots ‘cos there are many guys down there who are yet to climb even half the mount. You get married, you get kids, you buy houses and cars and all the contraptions the world of luxury has to offer. Some time has passed although by then, and you see the mount you conquered has more entrants now. New guys have jumped into the fray and they are drawing up boundaries of influence. That’s when you realize that you are losing ground. So you begin your next expedition to “excellence” but your body is not geared up to that, neither is your family. You no longer have an option to stay away from the responsibilities that you have now. It’s a mad rush for the first few days. Then, you slowly understand that the struggle is not bearing enough fruit. You slowly try to shun the path to “excellence”. “Excellence” soon becomes something not so important. You find yourself joining the race for the next mount but you know there are younger and stronger competitors. You see your old days in those competitors. The mad rush has become only madder. You look back to the mount which you had captured with nostalgia.
I found this interesting blog by a fellow blogger of making people feel special in the workplace. Quite an interesting thought.
