The rain just washed away the city. The air is still damp and sends goosebumps as it touches my exposed skin as I try to snuggle into my blanket. The sun has not been let inside the cloud cover today. The drizzle is still on. The leaves hold a drop each at their tongue tips. Its quite a sight, Its as though the rain were to play skating on the leaves with the droplets lining up one after another to reach the tip of the leaf and when all of them get heavy at the tip they would fall on puddle below. There are many on the road trying hard to cover themselves. Some of them have umbrellas, some don't, they just run thinking they can escape the rain if they were fast enough. There are kids in their colorful rain coats with their hands held in their parents or grand parents hands. They however don't seem to be in any hurry. They analyze the sudden flurry of droplets from somewhere above, wondering if there was a huge shower fit somewhere beyond the skies, somewhere in heaven, or was it somebody pissing from up there. The water gathered in front of them is inviting just like the big one in theme park but it was a bigger one there, called "swimming pool". As the kids try to dip their tiny legs in, there comes a shout from up above, they see the bigger ones mouth yapping away of getting dirty. "But mommy, that kid in the tv adverstisement played so much in the rains but his mom did not scold him of being dirty. Don't you buy surf excel?" the mommy looks frantically for another reason!!!!!!!!
I have to get back too, not to school but office. Life is going to move on and take another day in its fold and I am going to play my role as something there. Is this going to be written in history that this was how my day started? Probably not, but, probably I already wrote.